What are the best practices for easily maintainable application architecture?


In the intricate landscape of software development, the path toward easily maintainable application architecture is marked by strategic decisions, stringent planning, and a commitment to constant enhancement. How apps are designed profoundly influences their adaptability, durability, and ease of upkeep. In this exploration, we will unveil the best practices that lay the foundation for an app architecture that stands the test of time, all while incorporating the power of Selenium testing for dynamic quality assurance. 

Why is Maintainability crucial in App Architecture? 

Maintainability is supreme in app architecture as it directly influences the software’s adaptability, modifications, upgradability, and improvement capabilities over time. A maintainable architecture not only facilitates troubleshooting but also expedites the course of updates and modifications, ensuring the application’s contemporary relevance and sustained longevity. Essentially, it is the foundation for a strong and future-proof software system.

Best Practices for easily Maintainable App Architecture

Define Clear Requirements

Before you begin coding, you need to have a clear and well-defined understanding of what your app is supposed to do, who are the users, and what are the quality attributes that matter most. Understanding what the application needs to achieve allows for a more focused and efficient architectural design. 

Quality attributes are the non-functional facets of your system, such as usability, scalability, security, testability, and so on. By defining the needs and quality attributes upfront, you can avert confusion, ambiguity, and rework later. You can also utilize them as criteria to assess your architecture and make trade-offs.

Best Tips:

  • Engage stakeholders early to collect complete requirements.
  • Utilize use cases, user stories, and other methods to ensure complete clarity.
  • Frequently revisit and update necessities as the project progresses.

Choose an Appropriate Architectural Style

An architectural style is a suite of patterns, principles, and guidelines that shape your app’s complete structure and behavior. For instance, some standard architectural styles are peer-to-peer, event-driven, microservices, client-server, and layered. Depending on your app’s necessities and quality traits, you must select an appropriate architectural style that aligns with your requirements and objectives. You must also consider the benefits and disadvantages of every single style, such as flexibility, performance, complexity, and modularity.

Best Tips: 

  • Consider factors such as performance, scalability, and future extensibility.
  • Assess architectural styles like monolithic, microservices, or serverless based on project necessities.
  • Certify that the selected style aligns with the skill set of your software development team.

Follow the Approach of Separation of Concerns

One of the crucial principles of maintainable application architecture is a separation of concerns. This means you must distinguish your app into distinct modules or constituents with perfectly defined interfaces and responsibilities. Every single module or element should only focus on one functionality or aspect of your system and avert unnecessary dependencies or coupling with others. 

The separation of concerns principle promotes modularity, making it simpler to understand, alter, and maintain distinct app sections individually. This way, you can accomplish the high cohesion and low coupling required for maintainability. You can also utilize design patterns like MVVM, MVP, or MVC to separate your app’s presentation, business, and data layers.

Best Tips:

  • Divide the app into varied layers or modules, each handling a particular concern.
  • Use design patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC) or Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) to enforce separation.
  • Avoid tightly coupling elements to improve flexibility. 

Apply Coding Standards and Conventions:

Coding standards and conventions are a suite of rules and best practices that describe how you write, plan, format, and document your code. They help you improve your app’s readability, consistency, maintainability, and code quality. They also make it simpler for other software developers to understand, scrutinize, and modify your code. 

You must follow the coding standards and conventions relevant to your platform, programming language, and tools. They create a mutual understanding among the software development team, making collaboration highly effective. You must also utilize code analysis tools like linters to assess and enforce your code quality. 

Best Tips: 

  • Establish and document code conventions early in the project.
  • Utilize automated tools to implement coding standards.
  • Frequently evaluate and update coding standards based on progressing best practices.

Use Version Control & Configuration Management

Version control & configuration management are crucial for maintaining your app’s architecture. Version control lets you track and handle the history and changes of your code, facilitating collaboration with other developers and providing a safety net for code alterations. Configuration management ensures consistency and enables you to manage the dependencies and settings of your app, such as parameters, frameworks, libraries, and environments. You must utilize version control and configuration management tools like Maven, Git, Gradle, or SVN to automate and streamline these processes. 

Best Tips:

  • Utilize version control systems like Git for source code management. 
  • Implement branching & integration strategies to handle parallel development efforts.
  • Utilize configuration management tools to manage app configurations across multiple environments.

Refactor & Upgrade Your Architecture Regularly

Finally, you should not treat your app’s architecture as a fixed or static entity. You must regularly observe, evaluate, and enhance your architecture as your app progresses and grows. Besides, you should refactor your code to remove intricacy, duplication, and technical debt. You should also update your architecture to accept new practices, standards, and technologies to improve your app’s security, functionality, and overall performance. You should also document your architecture and its modifications so that you and other software developers can recognize and maintain it effortlessly. It helps align with requirements, growing technologies, and best practices and ensures long-term maintainability.

Best Tips:

  • Schedule devoted time for architectural assessments and updates.
  • Encourage principles of continuous upgrading within the app development team.
  • Monitor industry trends and integrate relevant changes into your application architecture.

By following these best practices, you lay a dynamic foundation for an easily maintainable app architecture, promoting adaptability and longevity in the ever-changing arena of software development.

What is the role of documentation in maintainable architecture?

Documentation improves knowledge transfer, making it simpler for the QA team to comprehend and contribute. The documentation role in maintainable architecture is critical for various reasons:

  1. Knowledge Repository: Documentation is a knowledge transfer, capturing crucial data related to design decisions, architecture, and coding practices. This facilitates the seamless transfer of knowledge among members, both new and current. 
  2. Documenting Design Decisions: Understanding design decisions, including the rationale behind particular selections, assists team members in understanding the thought procedure behind the architecture. This understanding is crucial for making well-informed decisions during updates or maintenance. 
  3. Facilitating Maintenance & Updates: Software developers might be required to modify or extend current code during the maintenance stage. Appropriate documentation guides them through the present structure, reducing the possibility of introducing flaws and streamlining the maintenance procedure.
  4. Code Reusability: Perfectly documented code can be a valued resource for future projects. Developers can reuse elements, patterns, or solutions documented in the architecture, saving extra effort and time in the following endeavors.
  5. Enhancing Collaboration: Documentation boosts collaboration among team members by delivering a shared reference point. Communication becomes very effective when everybody has access to similar documentation, and collaborative problem-solving becomes simpler.
  6. Risk Mitigation: Lack of documentation results in the reliance on a few individuals for knowledge about the architecture poses a threat to the project. Documentation mitigates this threat by confirming that crucial data is accessible to the complete team.
  7. Compliance and Auditing: In certain sectors, compliance or legal standards and audits might necessitate comprehensive system architecture documentation. Maintaining thorough records helps meet these necessities and confirms adherence to industry standards.

In short, maintainable architecture documentation is a keystone for knowledge sharing, effective collaboration, and streamlined maintenance. It facilitates the development team to make well-informed decisions, reduces the learning difficulties for new members, and contributes to the long-term reliability and sustainability of the application.

How does LambdaTest contribute to application maintainability? 

As you maintain a scalable and dynamic application, consider incorporating LambdaTest into your testing strategy. LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations.  A leading Cloud-centric cross-browser testing platform for Selenium testing, empowers software development teams to confirm the compatibility and functionality of apps across various devices and browsers. With its cloud-based infrastructure and comprehensive testing capabilities, LambdaTest seamlessly fits into your continuous testing pipeline, contributing to your application’s overall maintainability, functionality, performance, and reliability. 

Why LambdaTest?

  • Automated Testing: Streamline your test process with test automation on a scalable cloud-centric infrastructure.
  • Real-Time Testing: Immediately test your app on actual browsers in real-time.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Confirm consistent performance across varied browsers to reach a wider audience.
  • Exclusive Collaboration Traits: Foster collaboration among software app development and QA teams with mutual test environments.


Incorporating these considerations into your application architecture strategy fosters a holistic approach to maintainability. Consider integrating LambdaTest into your testing toolkit to enhance your testing practices further. LambdaTest provides a cloud-based platform for Selenium testing, allowing you to execute tests in parallel across a vast array of browsers and devices. With LambdaTest, you can ensure your application’s compatibility, functionality, and performance, all while streamlining your testing processes for increased efficiency. And in the toolkit of maintainability, Selenium stands as a boon, ensuring the continuous quality of your app.

Elevate your app development workflow with Selenium Testing using a platform like LambdaTest and embark on a journey where maintainability meets excellence. Happy coding!